The next float was full of people in space suits. "There's the buggy man!" shouted Mouse. "Remember our adventure on the moon?" "How could we forget it?" said Ben. They all waved to the buggy man. He gave them a wink.
This book's illustration is colorful so I think that kids must be fun. By reading this book, I think that this book connect other books. Because this book has some scenes that children says that they had seen people on the float.so I think to want to read other stories. This book is about carnival, but It is unfamiliar for me so I want to watch real carnival. Next year, I am going to study abroad in Canada and I hope to watch carnival in there.
I think that there are varied of people in the world. someone kind, someone angry.
This book is so interesting. I recommend to many people this book. Just try it!
written by Jenny Alexander
illustrated by Steve Smallman
mood;雰囲気 wail;泣き叫ぶ yell;大声を上げる dragon;ドラゴン ugly;醜い
pirate;海賊 giggle;くすくす笑う ruby;ルビー
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