Biff was cross with the magic. She saw some knights. "Can I be a knight?" she said. The knights laughed. "But you are a girl," they said. "Girls can't be knights."
This story is about a girl called Biff slip into past time. One day, She listened to story about "King Arthur" and she thought to want to be knights. After the school, she went home and she find a brilliant keys. As soon as she held this key, she slip into past time and she asked real knights to be knights herself. I think that these adventure did not happen in real life. Maybe, She imaged these adventure in her head. Child has creation so she can imaged up these incident.
I have impressive scene in this story. It is that "The knights laughed. "But you are a girl," they said. "girls can't be knights." The reason why I choose this part is that discriminative scene.
I recommend everyone this book, because this is so interesting.
Roderick Hunt
Alex Brychta
knight;騎士 ill; 病気 skateboard;スケボー amaze;びっくりさせる
argue;議論する brilliant;輝いている
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