Many words not transformed to small letter.
There are not articles in my sentences.
last week end
Last weekend, I have finished some report , These report annoys me , so I am happy for finishing report.
Today, We watched two movie trailers. The one is Exodus. This movie is about God and King. It is illustrated ancient age so Mose emerged this movie. By watching trailer of "Exodus", I become to want to watch this.
Today, We watched two movie trailers. The one is Exodus. This movie is about God and King. It is illustrated ancient age so Mose emerged this movie. By watching trailer of "Exodus", I become to want to watch this.
world cup
Ny favorite GOAL is Van Persie's Goal. The reason why I choose this is acrobatic. By watching Brazil World Cup, I think that world level is so high.
Kim's Choice
Kim's Choice
One evening at the club the coach says, 'There's an important competition on June 30th, Kim.can you go?
This is story about a girl. Her name is Kim and she joined in athletics club. Everyday, She trained running and she always won in competition. But one day, Her motivation to athletic's club was decreasing. because She had boy she liked. His name is curtis. Some times later, She was asked to come to school disco by Curtis. but, next day, she had important competition but nobody can not stop him. She was controlled by Curtis.
This was separate way in life. She has possibility to be famous runner in her future. But, She threw away her dream. But it can't be helped.
The Hunger Games, and other matters.......
Today, We watched trailer of "The Hinger Game". I have watched both of "The Hunger Game"1,2. I am not sure when It's due to release.
This movie is about survival game called The Hunger game. Selected two peoples per a district killed other people each other
This movie is about survival game called The Hunger game. Selected two peoples per a district killed other people each other
sightseeing in kyusyu
From now on, I am talking about sightseeing in Kyusyu. This time, I introduce about Okinawa. Okinawa has most beautiful sea and beach in Japan. But on the other hand, Okinawa has history of war.When world war 2, Japanese army and American army killed each other on the ground.
Next, I introduce about Oita. Oita is located in northeast in kyusyu. Oita has many hot springs. Especially Beppu is famous for many kind of hot springs. and Oita has Yufuin.
Next, I introduce about Oita. Oita is located in northeast in kyusyu. Oita has many hot springs. Especially Beppu is famous for many kind of hot springs. and Oita has Yufuin.
Stand By Me
Last day , I watched "Stand By Me". so from now on, I am going to talk about this movie. "Stand By Me" is best movie for me. This is directed by Rob Reiner. Wil Wheaton and River Phoenix and Corey Feldman and Jerry O'Connell appeared as main characters. This story is about Four boys that have troubles in Oregon. One day, They heard a news that a nearby boy attacked by train and dead. They were starting to find dead body to appear TV and to be hero. As they were approaching dead body, They told individual troubles each other. This movie can capture boy's delicate mind well. I watched this scene for the first time, I was impressed and I could understand their troubles a little.
The reason why I like this movie is that I can see real American style. for example home, fashion and trendy words. This movie makes me want to go America. I have watched this for about 10times.
I have recommended to some people, but almost people did not know this movie. I want many people to watch it.
The reason why I like this movie is that I can see real American style. for example home, fashion and trendy words. This movie makes me want to go America. I have watched this for about 10times.
I have recommended to some people, but almost people did not know this movie. I want many people to watch it.
Losing Luvky
Losing Lucky
I recommend this book to people all around the world. If read this book, you must recall importance of life. please try it.
written by Jenny Alexander
illustrated by Stave Smallman
hutch;ウサギ小屋 hay;干し草 lovely;愛らしい、愛おしい bunny;うさぎ
"Let's put all the things lucky liked in the box." Mum thought that was a good idea. Mouse agreed. Mouse found a carrot and a slice of brea. Lucky liked bread. Jojo got his little teddy from his hutch. He liked his teddy. they could not put his hutch in, so Mouse and Jojo made a picture instead.By reading this book, I can feel importance of life and I can know greatness of human. I had never had animal as a pet so I had never experience dead of animal. But by reading this book, I can understand sad of dead a little. And I was impressed with polite behavior of human. Mouse and his family put rabbit in the box and bury. I think that this is greatness of human. But lately some forget this and kill people easily. I think that we have to know importance of life.
I recommend this book to people all around the world. If read this book, you must recall importance of life. please try it.
written by Jenny Alexander
illustrated by Stave Smallman
hutch;ウサギ小屋 hay;干し草 lovely;愛らしい、愛おしい bunny;うさぎ
The Carnival
The Carnival

This book's illustration is colorful so I think that kids must be fun. By reading this book, I think that this book connect other books. Because this book has some scenes that children says that they had seen people on the I think to want to read other stories. This book is about carnival, but It is unfamiliar for me so I want to watch real carnival. Next year, I am going to study abroad in Canada and I hope to watch carnival in there.
I think that there are varied of people in the world. someone kind, someone angry.
This book is so interesting. I recommend to many people this book. Just try it!
written by Jenny Alexander
illustrated by Steve Smallman
mood;雰囲気 wail;泣き叫ぶ yell;大声を上げる dragon;ドラゴン ugly;醜い
pirate;海賊 giggle;くすくす笑う ruby;ルビー

The next float was full of people in space suits. "There's the buggy man!" shouted Mouse. "Remember our adventure on the moon?" "How could we forget it?" said Ben. They all waved to the buggy man. He gave them a wink.
This book's illustration is colorful so I think that kids must be fun. By reading this book, I think that this book connect other books. Because this book has some scenes that children says that they had seen people on the I think to want to read other stories. This book is about carnival, but It is unfamiliar for me so I want to watch real carnival. Next year, I am going to study abroad in Canada and I hope to watch carnival in there.
I think that there are varied of people in the world. someone kind, someone angry.
This book is so interesting. I recommend to many people this book. Just try it!
written by Jenny Alexander
illustrated by Steve Smallman
mood;雰囲気 wail;泣き叫ぶ yell;大声を上げる dragon;ドラゴン ugly;醜い
pirate;海賊 giggle;くすくす笑う ruby;ルビー
It's Not Fair
It's Not Fair

This story is about a girl called Biff slip into past time. One day, She listened to story about "King Arthur" and she thought to want to be knights. After the school, she went home and she find a brilliant keys. As soon as she held this key, she slip into past time and she asked real knights to be knights herself. I think that these adventure did not happen in real life. Maybe, She imaged these adventure in her head. Child has creation so she can imaged up these incident.
I have impressive scene in this story. It is that "The knights laughed. "But you are a girl," they said. "girls can't be knights." The reason why I choose this part is that discriminative scene.
I recommend everyone this book, because this is so interesting.
Roderick Hunt
Alex Brychta
knight;騎士 ill; 病気 skateboard;スケボー amaze;びっくりさせる
argue;議論する brilliant;輝いている

Biff was cross with the magic. She saw some knights. "Can I be a knight?" she said. The knights laughed. "But you are a girl," they said. "Girls can't be knights."
This story is about a girl called Biff slip into past time. One day, She listened to story about "King Arthur" and she thought to want to be knights. After the school, she went home and she find a brilliant keys. As soon as she held this key, she slip into past time and she asked real knights to be knights herself. I think that these adventure did not happen in real life. Maybe, She imaged these adventure in her head. Child has creation so she can imaged up these incident.
I have impressive scene in this story. It is that "The knights laughed. "But you are a girl," they said. "girls can't be knights." The reason why I choose this part is that discriminative scene.
I recommend everyone this book, because this is so interesting.
Roderick Hunt
Alex Brychta
knight;騎士 ill; 病気 skateboard;スケボー amaze;びっくりさせる
argue;議論する brilliant;輝いている
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