"We are going on a magic adventure," said Chip. The children went through the door of the magic house. "Oh help!" said Nadim. The magic took the children to the land of the dinosaurs.
Watching real dinosaurs has been my dream for me since I was young. By reading this book, I want to get "magic house". If I can get "magic house", I will absolutely go land of the dinosaurs. Although it is impossible to see alive dinosaurs but I can feel to see real dinosaurs in this book.
My most impressive scene is last, "I took photographs of dinosaurs,” said Biff. "Oh yes," said dad. "Well, I am sorry, I did not a film in the camera." This part maybe express that imagination of children is amazing.
This book is so interesting. You have to try it.
book information
Roderick Hunt
Alex Brychta
dinosaurs;恐竜 footprint;足跡 crack;ひびが入る、砕ける frighten;ぞっとさせる、驚かす
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