"Must be a thunderstorm coming," said Henry. "UH-oh." Henry did not like thunderstorms. They made him jumpy. But they made Mudge even jumpier. Every time a storm came, Mudge did strange things. He whined. He walked around the kitchen table about a hundred times.(p,7.8)
This story is about coming big thunderstorms to Henry,s house.
When I was young., I was afraid of thunder storm too but I put on a show of indifference. for now, I am not scared thunder maybe...
By reading "HENRY AND MUDGE AND THE Wild Wind" I could see delicate aspect of mudge and I become to want to have a dog like Mudge. but it is impossible because my father has allergy to dog.
I think that the author of HENRY AND MUDGE is good at expressing feeling of child so I sympathize her story.
This book has scene that states of Henry,s family in the thunderstorm. It is my favorite scene in this book because I like to spend inside in the storm. Individually, I recommend you this book. Just try it.
Story by Cynthia Rylant
Pictures by Sucie Stevenson
fur;毛皮 flap;パタパタ揺れる thunderstorm;激しい雷雨 jumpy;びくびくする
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