

            HENRY AND MUDGE AND Annie's Perfect Pet
Annie named her bunny Snowball. She played with her, and sang to her, and took her to Henry's house for visits. The bunny liked Henry's house. She liked riding on Mudge's back. Mudge carried the bunny all around.(p. 34.35.36)
  By reading this book, I want to have pet. because I have never had some pet.  I thought that animal has magical power that influence on human and I am sure that both human and animal can establish bond.
  I have two impressive scenes in this book. first is "Henry wanted Annie to have her own pet. He went to his parents for help."  The reason why I choose this scene is that I can see Henry's consideration to Annie.  This part makes me recall importance of friends.  second is " Annie named her bunny Snowball." because I just like bunny's name. I think that Annie has good naming sense. If I have white bunny, I want to name it "Snowman".
 This book makes me have my pet. This book is very interesting. If you like animals, You have to read this book.

Story by Cynthia Rylant
Pictures by Sucie Stevenson

pet;なでる    puppy;子犬    bunny;ウサギ   cotton;綿




Mrs. Hopper wasn't like anyone Henry had ever met. She played the violin for him. She served him tea. She told him about her father, who had been a famous actor.(P.29)

  By reading this book, I thought that this book wants to say that you should not judge by appearances. for the first time, Henry was scared about Hopper's house, but once he went into her house, It was interesting and enjoyable. In my case, I have man who looks fierce, but once I talked him , I can understand he is so kind. I tend to judge people by appearance.  from now on, I try not to judge people by appearance.
 I have impressive scene in this book. It is "Mrs. Hopper put a wig on Mudge. "You look like a poodle, Mudge!" said Henry. Mudge wagged and wagged" The reason that I like this scene is that I can understand excitement of seeing unfamiliar stuff. I want to spend time like this. It must be fun. furthermore, I can see real love between Henry's father and Henry's mother in this book.
 I think that this book is so interesting. If you have enough time , You try to read it. You must like it.

Story by Cynthia Rylant
Illustrated by Carolyn Bracken

droopy;垂れている、しおれている    sweetheart;恋人、愛する人     chandeliers;シャンデリア


                HENRY AND MUDGE IN THE Family Trees

Henry's relatives were fun. They danced. They sang. They laughed big bellylaughs.(p.29)
 By reading this book, I thought that I want to meet many relatives someday because I have never gotten together with many relatives. I think that foreign people appreciate that connection is so important. I thought that I have to preserve connection with family, relatives, and friends.
 I have impressive scene in this book. It is "Henry shook a million and got a million hugs. And everyone said, "What a fine dog you have, Henry!" Henry was proud. Cousins and aunts and uncles and grandpas and grandmas were great to have." The reason why I like this scene is that I can see their good connection. I want to get along with many people as shaking hands and hugging. because they are most effective way.
 I want to recommend this book to people that been forgetting importance of connection lately.

Story by Cynthia Rylant
Pictures by Sucie Stevenson

reunion;同窓会      sloppy;水っぽい、まずい   

180 words   



        HENRY AND MUDGE AND THE Snowman Plan

" I sure am glad you're a messy painter, Dad," said Henry."I'm an even messier eater," said Henry's father. And he and Henry and Henry's big dog Mudge took their prizes home and made a wonderful cookie mess.
  Even if I read "Henry and Mudge" many times, I feel happy every time. This is one story of these. Every time I read this story, I think that I want to be Henry because he must be happy and looks so fun.
 By reading " Snowman Plan", I want to be father like Henry,s father in the further because he is so kind and has enough time to spend with his family. I think that Japanese father overwork everyday so they do not have enough time to spend with family.
 My most impressive scene in this book is" And he and Henry and Henry's big dog Mudge took their prizes home and made a wonderful cookie mess." But I have no reason that I like this scene. I just like it.
 This book makes me want winter. If you want to feel winter, You have to read this book.

Story by Cynthia Rylant
Pictures by Sucie Stevenson

mustache;口ひげ     marble;ビー玉    messy;散らかった、汚い   elbow;ひじ


Toy story


Woody is angry. " You're not a space ranger. You're a toy!" he says. "But I'm NOT a toy!" Buzz answers.

I read "TOY STORY" this time.  This story is starting woody's jealous for Buzz but as they spend long time, they get best friends each other. It is story about friendship. By reading this book, I  can sure that friend is so important above all.  I have watched "TOY STORY"2,3 ever. My favorite character is Woody.


The angriest man in brooklyn, and other matters

I watched " The Angriest Man in Brooklyn".This movie looks sound good. My English ability is lack, but I can understand that this movie is so funny.  I had never watched it so,if I have opportunity, I want to it,  furthermore, I can understand some actor in this movie.



henry and mudge and the careful cousin

Then they went inside to Henry's room. They were sweaty and dirty and tired. They were hungry too. Henry said he would go to the kitchen for a bag of cookies. "Oh no," said Annie. She pulled the brown paper bag from under Henry's bed. "I think I like the better," she said. (p43.44)

 By reading  this book, I think influence of human is incalculable.
First, Annie did not like become sweaty and dirty, but as she was spending time with Henry and Mudge, She did not care about her frilly dress and shiny shoes. she enjoyed frisbee. I think that everyone can explain real aspect with nature and real friends. friends is most important above all. 
 I have another impressive scene in this book. It is scene that Annie was scared about Mudge. When she was licked by mudge, her face turned red. I like this scene. because I can understand her feelings without words.
 This book is interesting. You have to try it.

Story by Cynthia Rylant
Pictures by Sucie Stevenson

shiny;輝いている、光っている   purse: ハンドバッグ





foods in kyusyu

Kyusyu is Japan's south-western is island, and there are many delicious foods in Kyusyu. Because there are much nature and good people in there. I proud of them.

The first food I'd like to focus on is Ikinari dango. Do you know it? this is my best traditional food in Kumamoto.

The next food I'd like to introduce is Kasutera. It is traditional food in Nagasaki. It's like cake.

The last I'd like to say is Karashi Mentaiko. It is food in Fukuoka. It is flavored egg of fish. It's so spicy.

My conclusion is that foods in Kyusyu is very very very delicious. but many people do not know these. so if it is possible, I want many people to know amazing foods in Kyusyu.



yesterday., I took TOEFl , because I want to study abroad. but I do not have good feeling and I could not solve the listening question very well. I understood my lack ability of listening so from now on I want to focus on listening.
  yesterday, I bought sneaker. its maker is converse . It became eleventh shoes of all.  I never buy shoes anymore.


many good foods in Kyusyu

There are many fantastic and delicious foods in Kyusyu. For example, Nagasaki is KASUTERA. It is sweet like cake. Fukuoka is KARASHI MENTAIKO and it is egg of fish. Oita is Kabosu. Saga is Saga beef. Kumamoto is horsemeet. Miyazaki is mango. Kagoshima is sweet potato. Okinawa is SO-KI Soba. The reason why there are many good food in Kyusyu is climate and much nature I think. I proud of these foods and I think be happy to be born in Kyusyu. One of the most delicious food is absolutely Kumamoto noodles. Do you know it ? It became more famous in these days. I eat it once a week. You have to try. once you put it in your mouse, You must be crazy about Kumamoto noodles.
words 129


           HENRY AND MUDGE AND THE Forever Sea
" I see it ! " Henry shouted. The ocean was waiting. It was blue and white and forever. Henry's father honked the car horn. mudge barked. They parked the car and ran for the sand.(p13.14)
  By reading this story, they looks so fun and happy but I have never swum in the sea , because I am poor at swimming and I am afraid of water so I do not know pleasure of swimming in the sea. summer of this year is coming soon . If I have opportunity to go to sea, I want to try.
  I have most impessive sene in this book. It is "After lunch, Henry and his father began to build a sand castle". the reason why I choose this part is that I have less opportunity to do same thing with father in these days. This book reminds me importance of interacting with my father. From now on, I want to try to make time to talk with my father.
  I recommend this book to many people. If you read, You must notice importance of father.

story by Cynthia Rylant
pictures by  Sucie Stevenson

towel;タオル  lobster;ロブスター

words 208



food in Kumamoto

There are many fresh vegetables and fruits and traditional foods in Kumamoto. My  favorite food in kumamoto is IKINARI DANGO. Do you know IKINARI DANGO? It is a kind of sweets and it is
tuber covered with dumpling.  there are always in fridge.  It makes me high feeling. I recommend to many people. people that visiting Kumamoto have to try it.
 My favorite vegetable is tomato. It is very juicy and sweet. my favorite fruit is watermelon in Kumamoto. It is most delicious watermelon in Japan.
 In these days. Kumamoto was recognized agricultural region by world.

My latest golden week

I am going to latest my golden weeks. My golden week was so busy. In first day and second day, I worked as a part time jobs. I earned 6 thousand yen maybe. In third day, I went to go to Yamaga by bicycle with my friends over a span of 4 hours.  as soon as We made it, We were going to ASIYU. Do you know ASIYU?



A day in london

                                   A DAY IN LONDON

 There were lots of people waiting on the platform.
When the train came in everyone rushed to get on. "Now I know why it is called tube," said Anneena, "everyone gets squeezed!"

 By reading this book, I think that I do not want to live big city like London. When I was young, I wanted to live city, because I thought that living in the big city is cool and fashionable. I could see only advantages. But now I do not think so and  I can understand some demerits. There are many crowd and crime. In another side,  countryside is peaceful and be surrounded with many natures and animal.
In my future, I want to live countryside in abroad. 
 I think that big cities like London , NewYork and Paris Should clean better. but I want to London, NewYork and LosAngels  Paris.
 By reading this book, some people think that do not want to go London, But story is very funny. Especially , It is scene that "gran knocked into the waxworks
and they began to fall over "
 This book is so interesting so You have to read it . Just try it.

book information
Roderick Hunt
Alex Brychta

ornament;装飾品、宝石   greedy;貪欲な、欲深い


                           LAND OF THE DINOSAURS

"We are going on a magic adventure," said Chip.  The children went through the door of the magic house.  "Oh help!" said Nadim. The magic took the children  to the land of the dinosaurs.
  Watching real dinosaurs has been my dream for me since I was young. By reading this book, I want to get "magic house". If I can get "magic house", I will absolutely go land of  the dinosaurs. Although it is impossible to see alive dinosaurs but I can feel to see real dinosaurs in this book.
 My most impressive scene is last, "I took photographs of dinosaurs,” said Biff. "Oh yes," said dad. "Well, I am sorry, I did not a film in the camera." This part maybe express that imagination of children is amazing.
 This book is so interesting. You have to try it.

book information
Roderick Hunt
Alex Brychta

dinosaurs;恐竜  footprint;足跡   crack;ひびが入る、砕ける   frighten;ぞっとさせる、驚かす



               HENRY AND MUDGE AND THE Wild Wind

"Must be a thunderstorm coming," said Henry. "UH-oh." Henry did not like thunderstorms. They made him jumpy. But they made Mudge even jumpier. Every time a storm came, Mudge did strange things. He whined. He walked around the kitchen table about a hundred times.(p,7.8)

   This story is about coming big thunderstorms to Henry,s house.
When I was young., I was afraid of thunder storm too but I put on a show of indifference. for now, I am not scared thunder maybe...
   By reading "HENRY AND MUDGE AND THE Wild Wind" I could see delicate aspect of mudge and I become to want to have a dog like Mudge. but it is impossible because my father has allergy to dog.
   I think that the author of HENRY AND MUDGE is good at expressing feeling of child  so I sympathize her story.
   This book has scene that states of Henry,s family in the thunderstorm. It is my favorite scene in this book because  I like to spend inside in the storm. Individually, I recommend you this book. Just try it.

Story by Cynthia Rylant
Pictures by Sucie Stevenson

fur;毛皮   flap;パタパタ揺れる     thunderstorm;激しい雷雨   jumpy;びくびくする






Henry and Mudge and Henry,s parents drove to the country. They passed fields and barns. They passed tractors and haystacks.And once they had to stop to let a duck and her children cross the road.(p,13.14)

  This story is about Henry,s family was going to farm in countryside to get some farm-fresh eggs, blueberries and sweet corn. As they got close, they can see barns and haystacks but I could not know these for the first time because these are
unfamiliar for me and I had never gone real farm. This book taught me about farm so It is good for me.
  I have most impressive scene in this book. It is "And once they had to stop to let a duck and her children cross the road". This part makes me mild feelings.I love this scene. By reading this scene I feel that I want to be a gentle man and I want to have a family just like henry,s family.
 As reading the books of HENRY AND MUGE, I am becoming  to like it. This is so attractive and They fascinate many people including me...
I think many people have to read this . Just try it.

By Cynthia Rylant 
Illustrated by Carolyn Bracken in the style of Sucie Stevenson

country;田舎  sheep;ヒツジ  goose;ガチョウ



 HENRY AND MUDGE AND Annie,s Good Move
" Are you nervous about leaving friends?" asked Henry. Annie nodded. "Are you nervous about changing schools?" asked Henry. Annie nodded again.(p, 17.18)

 This story is about that Annie is moving next door to Henry,s house. By reading this story, I understand a pain of changing school for the first time. I had never changed my school.  But I had many friend that explained to change their school and I could not understand pain of changing school, Because they never said complain so I could not notice that they painful.
In this book, Annie never cried and lost. I proud of her. furthermore, Henry advised her the way of solving her problem. Heren was so kind and big I think....

I want to recommend this book to people that worried about changing school. If they read this book, you can have confidence and courage. Just read it.

story by Cynthia Rylant        Pictures by Sucie Stevenson

frilly;フリルのついた thrilled;ぞくぞくした zillion;無数 unpack;解く、開ける 
