AND THE Sneaky Crackers
Henry and Henry,s big dog Mudge liked to watch a TV show called The Man in the Mask. It was about a spy. Henry loved spies. One day he saw a spy kit for sale. "Mudge, let,s get the piggy bank," said Henrt. Henry emptied the bank and bought the kit.(p,5,6,7)

By reading this book, I wanted to go back to kid. Because everything could be playing,when Iwas young. Everyday was as if big advenure. I waned to experince play of typical american kids too.
This book "HENRY AND MUDGE AND THE Sneaky Crackers" is that makes us return to our childhood. You should read this book once. I recommend it to everyone.
This book information
Story by Cynthia Rylant
Picture by Sucie Stenenson
kit; 道具一式 piggy bank; ブタの貯金箱 empty;空にする magnifying glass;虫めがね
suspicious;怪しい nasty;不快な、嫌な、不潔な sneak;コソコソ動く pat;軽くたたく
spit out;吐き出す snore;いびきをかく、いびき
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