
Chicken Licken

Chicken Licken

Suddenly, a tiny acorn dropped from the tree and hit Chicken Licken,s head. Chicken Licken didn,t see
the acorn. He looked up at the blue sky. " Oh no !" he said. "The sky must be falling." (p,10〜13)

 By reading this book, I think idea of foreign country is very interesting. Japanese never express "The sky must be falling" so I feel that this express is vivid. I have bad images to fox in the japanese book, the book picture in foreign country is just same.  Why does fox have bad image?  I do not understand perfectly, but maybe it is owing to acute faces i think. And picture of this book is so cute. If you read to children, they are absolutely grad. particularly, I like Chicken Licken best. because he/she is very pure and tiny. I like this painting style.

 You have to read it. You must be fascinated "Chicken Licken"

 goose; がちょう acorn; どんぐり 

168 words

The Amazing Spiderman 2

I think this movie is incredible. Anyway,  I want to watch it. The advantage of this movie is fantastic CG  and casting i think.... Yesterday, I watched Amazing Spiderman-1, Because I remember previous Spiderman before I am going to watch latest one. I am looking forward to watch it

49 words






" What can we do? " yelled Mouse. " There,ll be a crash!" The piano was lumbering toward them (p,2)


  This book is about non-stopping piano on the street . But I do not understand the content of this book well, because I forgot to read part1 so I do not know what is going on. but I am going to write my impression for this book.

  I had explained just like this situation, when I was a kindergarten child. I liked to ride tricycle . One day I suggest to my friends riding in steep downward. And as I go down, its brake did not work, then I crashed. I was hurt so I can understand fear of non-stopping.

 I think picture book of America is dynamic and distinctive. I feel Japanese book picture is more realistic than American. But , by reading this, I can see differences of culture, food and clothes for the first time. I recommend everyone to read book picture. Please try it.


Book information                              lumber;  ゴトゴト歩く 
Written by Jeremy Strong      pull off; 脱ぐ

Illustrated by Steve Smallman
word 195



henry and mudge and the sneaky crackers

 AND THE Sneaky Crackers

Henry and Henry,s big dog Mudge liked to watch a TV show called The Man in the Mask. It was about a spy. Henry loved spies. One day he saw a spy kit for sale. "Mudge, let,s get the piggy bank," said Henrt. Henry emptied the bank and bought the kit.(p,5,6,7)

I thought that this story really captures mind of child. Once, child decides to do something, they never change decision. but I think it can,t be helped because child does not know to  tolerate. As they become bigger, they learn importance of perseverance.When also I was young , I wanted soccer ball so I could not stand to buy it. But now I have much more perseverance maybe.
 By reading this book, I wanted to go back to kid. Because everything could be playing,when Iwas young. Everyday was as if big advenure. I waned to experince play of typical american kids too.
 This book "HENRY AND MUDGE AND THE Sneaky Crackers" is that makes us return to our childhood. You should read this book once. I recommend it to everyone.

This book information
Story by Cynthia Rylant
Picture by Sucie Stenenson

kit; 道具一式 piggy bank; ブタの貯金箱 empty;空にする magnifying glass;虫めがね

suspicious;怪しい nasty;不快な、嫌な、不潔な  sneak;コソコソ動く  pat;軽くたたく

spit  out;吐き出す  snore;いびきをかく、いびき






HENRY AND MUDGE and the best day of all

HENRY AND MUDGE and the best day of all

 The winner at ringtoss got decoder rings. The winner at go-fishing got baby goldfish. The winners at potato-sack races got bags of potato chips.(p,24)

 This story is about American birthday party.By reading this book, I can know American birthday party style for the first time. I thought this one is more gorgeous than Japanese party. Japanese party do not invite friend and relatively. Some invite friends and relatively for birthday party. In my case, I had never invited another people except for my family. I celebrate my birthday in my house with only my family so someday. I want to experience American birthday party. Ringtoss, go-fishing and potato-snack looks so funny. I want to do these game too.I think American is optimistic better then Japanese. I feel that Japanese have to imitate good aspect like birthday party.

          snore;いびきをかく fix;(食事)などを用意する




in Puddle Trouble

They found a big puddle. A giant puddle. A lake puddle. An ocean puddle. And Henry said, “Wow! ” ( p. 25)


It is story that reminds our old memory when we were young. I think that many people feel same . As we become an adult, we are going to get busy and we do not have enough time to play so we are forgetting our memory. But , by reading this book, I can recall my memory of puddle that my younger brother and I were always going through the puddle by bicycle when it was rained. I think this book is likely to say “ Do not forget your childhood”

This book has many vocabulary so  I  recommend  people  of  English department . You have to try to read!


Story by Cynthia Rylant

Pictures by Sucie Stevenson



Sniff;鼻をすする sneeze;くしゃみ collar;首輪 belly;おなか

Lick;舐める puddle;水たまり muddy;泥だらけの




Henry and Mudge inthe green time

Today I know the story of Henry and Mudge in the green time for the first time. I had not had a dog so I want to have one. From now on, I want to read other story of Henry and Mudge

gingersnap; 生姜チップ
hose; ホース

Hi, I'm Kouhei.